Koja Kitchen (San Mateo)

Website: http://www.kojakitchen.com/
Address: 150 S B St, San Mateo, CA 94401
Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars

  • If you like Asian FAST FOOD but slightly better!
  • This is RICE BURGER and good Korean Beef or Short Rib
    • I am comparing this with MOS burger and seems like this is better as the rice patty doesn't crumble easily (it holds better).
  • They have rice bowls if you don't like the burger

  • Tired the Original KOJA BURGER

Beef Bowl
Seems like there seems to be more 'beef and rice' with a bowl, despite only being 1 dollar more.

Beef Bowl
I prefer still the short rib burger, but this one is with Pineapple

Short Rib Bowl Take Away


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