Le Cinque Terre (La Spezia, Italy)

Commuting Train from La Spezia or Levanto Local Train around the 5 towns Timetable: https://www.cinqueterre.eu.com/en/cinque-terre-timetable https://www.cinqueterre.eu.com/images/stories/Cinque-Terre-train-timetable.pdf One way in the local train is 4 euros. When you hike you pay 7.50 to hike thru the UNESCO trail or you can pay 16 Euros to include the hike + day train ticket. I suggest taking this since they don't have a separate day ticket. We were planning to go to various towns and we ended up paying more since 4 trips already cost as much as the Hike + Day trip ticket. Recommendation: Take the Hike + Day Trip Ticket Vernazza Definitely the most picturesque among the three towns and is the most vibrant and most shops/stores/restaurants I think, though not the largest. This is what you think Cinque Terre is. This has a small place for you to go to beach. Monterosso al Mare The biggest town but the LEAST "Cinq...