Dumping Kitchen @Inner Sunset, San Francisco
Rating: 4 out of 5 star Yelp Review here . Address: 1935 Taraval St, San Francisco, CA 94116 Feedback: Restaurant seems nicer than Kingdom of Dumpling Cucumber Salad was refreshing and yummy. Though I prefer Kingdom of Dumpling's version. Food was huge - ordered a braised Lunch meal and it was in a huge plate. Couldbbe easily be good for two people. It was the usual American size. Braised string beans was also really good, yummy, and crunchy but preferred the Din Tai Fung version. Pirk steamed dunplings was good but the skin was easy to tear and the meat seems to be not sticky enough that it just crumbles. Still good though. Pork Steamed Dumpling Braised String Beans with Fried Rice (more like Egg Fried Rice) Cucumber Salad I'm lovvvvving Cucumber Salad! and the bill