Cafe Loki, Iceland

Addresss: Lokastigur 28 101 Reykjavik
Rating: 3.5 out of 5
Feedback: It was nothing fantastic but for me, it was just that I just need to try something traditionally Icelandic and this was the best plac eto get it.

This was the combination platter that we ordered

Mashed potato with Fish Flakes
Tasted like Potato Gratin with Fish flakes.. I Like it.

Most of these can only be eaten during the Winter festival
Soured Whale - errr.. doesn't taste anything but like jelly with vinegar
Soured Ram's testicles - not sure how to describe this but something like very sour century egg yolk
Fermented Shark meat - quite interesting and tasty.  Very hard to cut kind of fish meat.
Herring - the usual and you can find this in other Scandinavian countries.
Liver and Blood Budding
Sheep Jelly - quite interesting and tasty
 See the video below..

Icelandic Meat Soup
Taste like diluted Meat Goulash (prolly can skip this one but actually good if you are feeling cold)

Brennivin Shot 
Goes with the Winter Platter ... it was just like  a shot of vodka

Rye bread icecream
It seems like rye bread blended with whip cream and frozen.  Doesn't have an ice cream texture but quite interesting.


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