Top of the World 

W Ridge, Laguna Beach, CA 92651

Hike: Hard (it was a long hike and I think Car Wreck trail coming back was hard as we have to climb rocks to go up), prolly around 6 - 7 miles

August 16, 2020

This was not an easy hike especially the Car Wreck trail where you climb up rocks etc but this was the only trail that half of the trail was quite shaded with trees and the other half was a bit rocky etc. 

What is annoying is that there are so many bikers/cyclist despite that it was so dusty as well!  We end up waiting most of the time for them to pass or turn our backs because it was so dusty.  Also, there were actual vehicles driving around that made so much dust (not sure if they were rescuing someone), but they were cars by the park rangers.  It was also quite crowded (you do have enough social distancing as it is a huge park but there are narrow trails).  

Since that day was pretty hot, getting there even at around 7-9 am was already hot as it is pretty open, not any trees to give us shade. Overall, I would NOT wanna come back here for hiking.  Too dusty and too much cyclists!  The area in the parking area is nice though with a nice view.

Car Wreck in the Car Wreck Trail


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